This Pyramid is great for anyone wanting something to help with Ascension, this will help you connect with spirit, clarity, clear the mind and has a very calming and relaxing effect on the body!
This will also help combat electromagnetic stress emitted from 5g, 4g and 3g frequency's and will cover about a 3 meter range !
Celestite may help with –
- Connecting with spirit guides and guardian angels
- Bringing peace and stability
- Intuitive, clairvoyant and clairaudient ability
- Healing the throat chakra
- Activating the third eye and crown chakra
- Cleansing the aura
- Dream recall
- Purity of the heart
- Bringing good luck and fortune
- Cleansing and purifying stagnant energy
- Calms the mind of worry and fear and anxiety
- Stimulates creativity
Kyanite helps with –
- Align all chakras and subtle bodies instantly
- Balances ying and yang energy and dispels blockages
- Calming the whole body bring tranquility
- It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels
- Drive away anger, frustration, confusion and stress
- Heal the adrenal and parathyroid glands
- Pain relief
- Opening the throat chakra and encouraging communication and self-expression
Selenite helps with-
- Clear the mind and bring clarity of thought
- Opening the crown and higher chakras and accesses angelic guidance
- Bring about deep peace
- Universal love
- Psychic development
- Clears confusion
- Positive emotions
Shungite may help with -
- Shielding from harmful electromagnetic frequency's from cell phones, computers and wifi etc including 5g, 4g and 3g !
- Protection against negative energies and good for psychic protection
- Evolving spiritually
- Healing on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual
- Growth and transformation
- Increasing personal power
- Clearing and balancing the aura and chakras
- Grounding energies to the earth
- Boosting energy
- Increasing personal power
- Restores emotional balance and you will feel a lot more positive
Magnetite may help with –
- Respiratory, asthma and breathing issues
- Stress and anxiety
- Good luck and abundance
- Stability, strength and grounding
- Circulatory system, aches, pains and is amazing for recovery
- Releasing anger
- Attracting love
Pyrite may help with-
- Bringing wealth and success into your life
- Respiratory and breathing issues
- Protection and helps deal with pollutants
- Resetting the brain for new thinking
- Protection from negative energy
- Completing challenging tasks
Celestite ( Ascension and Purification)
44,44£ Standardpreis
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